BladeBridge repurposes decommissioned wind turbine blades into sustainable infrastructure, decoupling the production of renewable energy from the generation of waste.
What We Can Do

Blade End-Of-Life Management
BladeBridge collaborates with wind farm owners & operators to provide sustainable end-of-life options for decommissioned blade material.

Circular Design
Leveraging research-driven methodologies, we evaluate the residual strength of the blades and design innovative products and infrastructure to repurpose them.

Sustainable Products
Our products use blades as a substitute for high-carbon raw material, creating infrastructure with significantly lower environmental impact which is in-line with green public procurement initiatives.
Recent Products

Midleton To Youghal Greenway Bridge – This 5.5m bridge spans a flood channel on the Dungourney River, 3km from Midleton train station on the Midleton to Youghal Greenway.

Achill Sound Greenway Furniture – Three pieces of street furniture were commissioned by Mayo County Council in September 2023, for the opening of the Achill Greenway.

County Clare Furniture Project – We are collaborating with Perch Furniture Design and Clare Local Development Company to create blade furniture for a local community centre.

Electrical Infrastructure Development – We’re developing e-bike charging stations and blade towers, to support the expansion of circular infrastructure for cleaner electrification.

E-Hub – We are excited to announce our collaboration with ESB, a leading energy company, to develop a pioneering e-mobility Hub using repurposed wind turbine blades.
How BladeBridge Can Help You
Wind Farm operators planning to decommission: We offer the best end-of-life option for unwanted blade material.
Planners of active transport: BladeBridge creates bridges and street furniture with lower environmental impact than conventional products, as measured using Life Cycle Assessment.
Contractors bidding on active transport tenders: We can improve your tendering prospects by offering products exceeding Green Public Procurement requirements.
Engineering firms interested in circular raw materials: We characterise blade material for use as low carbon structural components
Anyone interested in circular products.

Featured In

Blade Repurposing Innovation doesn't just happen...
BladeBridge is a spin-out from the Re-Wind Network, an international research group developing blade repurposing solutions which are environmentally and socially superior to conventional products and disposal methods. The Re-Wind Network is a collection of faculty, staff and students at five academic institutions – Georgia Institute of Technology, University College Cork, Queen’s University Belfast, City University of New York and Munster Technological University – and industry affiliates.
Our Collaborators

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